

Joined Consortium for Satellite Earth Observation (CONSEO)

We are now a member of Consortium for Satellite Earth Observation (CONSEO). CONSEO will: (1) contribute to policy agenda...

Website updated

Changed website design, updated pages of "business", "Technology", and "Vision".

Participated “Tech Venture Meet Up JAPAN 2024”

Polar Star Space Co., Ltd participated "Tech Venture Meet Up JAPAN 2024" on Feb.9, 2024. "Tech Venture Meet Up JAPAN" is...

Selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the 15th subsidy to promote productivity improvement in Manufacturing, Commerce, and service

Our company is one of the successful applicants that have been selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry a...

News and Information Before Move to New Website

2023/09/11 : The head office was moved to Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo The head office was moved from Otemachi, Chi...

Participated the seminar “Exploring sustainability initiatives from Japanese startups”

Masashi KAWAGUCHI, Chief Marketing Officer at Polar Star Space, participated the seminar "Exploring sustainability initi...