from Space!
Polar Star Space will
solve various problems and contribute to affluent living
on the ground with seamless observation data solutions from space to the ground
Our Vision
Human Frontier
Polar Star Space is a business company founded for the purpose of provision data-driven problem-solving services in fields such as agriculture, fishery, resources/energy, and disaster prevention as a venture from Hokkaido University.
In the global $ 200 billion space industry market, commercial use of remote sensing is a promising area for future expansion.
The realization of global daily measurement using multiple microsatellite by US satellite company Planet Labs means that the door to new satellite utilization competition has opened against the heavy and long conventional satellite competition.
We aim to operate multiple microsatellite equipped with LCTF cameras as a unique strategy to realize “problem-solving”, “on-demand” and “flexible” satellite observations required for commercial use of satellites.

Initially, it will provide value in the agricultural field, which is closely related to population explosion and global environmental problems and requires scientific control of harvesting.
Specifically, we will discover lesions based on soil and leaf spectrum measurements using our proprietary smartphone spectrometer and drone-mounted LCTF camera, and support optimization of fertilization and pesticide use.
Through these efforts, we will establish a spectrum library that derives accurate measurement results even in spectrum measurement with a certain angle to the earth’s surface, which will lead to the realization of spectrum remote sensing on microsatellite in the future.
Achieving accurate spectral measurements with angles can be a source of strong competitive advantage in satellite observations.
The purpose of this project is to realize the first solution in the world to all possible problems on the ground through spectral remote sensing and to contribute to the solution of problems on a global scale.
Message from CEO
Recently we can see news about space exploration.
In Japan as well, private companies are getting able to start the space business.
“Space Activity Law”, which was approved recently, also boosts this trend.
Until now satellite remote sensing is not practical enough, however, it has finally been getting feasible by microsatellite development.

Our spectral information obtained from microsatellite will be one of the best in the world.
We will develop a space-scale IOT business by multiplying the spectral data from space by that obtained from ground equipment (drone, smartphone integrated spectrometer).
Polar Star Space Co., Ltd.
CEO Takahiro Nakamura