Company Profile
Polar Star Space Co., Ltd. (株式会社 ポーラスター・スペース)
We are J-Startup company and certified venture company from Hokkaido University.

・Solutions using microsatellite, drone, ground measuring equipment, etc.
・Business related to data acquired by microsatellite, drone, ground measuring equipment, etc.
・Design and manufacture of microsatellite and related components
・Launch arrangement and operation support / contract for microsatellite
Establishment : 2017
Capital : 501M-JPY (incl. capital reserve)

Takahiro NAKAMURA : Chief Executive Officer
Graduated from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, National Defense Academy, and completed the Master’s Program in Science and Engineering at Aoyama-Gakuin University. Joined Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Corporation and involved in satellite development. Then after working in search engine management, founded Polar Star Space Co., Ltd in 2017.
Tomohiro NODA : Chief Financial Officer
Masashi KAWAGUCHI : Chief Marketing Officer
Atsushi FUKUMITSU : Chief Innovation Officer
- Real Tech Venture of the Year 2020 : Startup Category
- J-Startup Company
- 2018 Entrepreneur Expo : Special Award, Amazon Web Services Award & Panasonic Award
- X-tech Innovation 2018 : Special Award
- No Maps NEDO Dream Pitch with Entrepreneur Expo 2018 : NICT Award
- Hokkaido University Certified Venture
- 4th Real Tech Grand Prix : Best Award & JT Award
Yamaichiono Bld.4F, 3-2-14, Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023
TEL: 03-5542-1272
1 minute on foot from Tokyo Metro subway “Mitsukoshimae” station or JR line “Shin-Nihonbashi” station